Taking the right steps to the perfect hire!
Category : Uncategorized
Hiring the right people can be quite tricky. Unstructured interviews (those that don’t follow a set format) where you just ‘go with the flow’ stand as little as 30% chance of success.
Factor in the high cost of recruiting the wrong person (interviewing time, recruitment fee, on-boarding, induction, team familiarization, client relationships etc…) and you’ll agree it pays to be prepared!
Step 1 Set the bar
Establish what qualifications and experience is going to be the best level for the role.
Step 2 Collaborate
Involve your current team in the job description and qualifications, a fun exercise is to ask them anonymously what tasks and activities they perform that they think are counter productive to their own success. Make the new hire someone that everyone feels adds to the productivity of the team and takes some burden off the them.
Step 3 Be consistent
Come up with the master list of interview questions at each level of the screening process that every interviewee will answer and make sure they are evidence-based on past performance vs. hypothetical answers.
Step 4 See the future
Map out how you want the person to grow within your organizationin the next 2-3 years. Conveying growth opportunities to candidates will make the role more attractive to the best candidates.
Step 5 Be fair
Compensation plays a large factor in the success of your company, from increasing employee morale and decreasing your turnover rate.
We work with hiring managers daily to establish a consistent process that gets everyone to that next step.
A hire that is the right step for all.